We’re Moving!

I'm moving babies! I've already packed my bags. Yes, I have a few bits and bobs that need my attention, but by the end of this month, I'm out. Ok, local friends, take a deep exhale; What I mean is that I am making a digital move. Every few years I like to change things... Continue Reading →

Hot Mom Summer

Wait? Did you hear that? It sounds like...birds chirping. Wait, is that the ONLY sound I am hearing? Hello? Helloooooooo? Is anybody here? Alice, Owen, hellllloooooooo? My coffee is still warm, and I feel well rested and like I have the ability to finish a complete thought. This can only mean one thing...The kids are... Continue Reading →

TikTok Induced ADHD

This morning I woke up and I decided to play hooky on my Physical Therapy. Don't tell Amy, my PT, she'll be super pissed. You see, last night I started watching a new episode of the Handmaid's Tale (season 1) and I couldn't fall asleep. My heart was racing, so I decided the only remedy... Continue Reading →

Where’d Ya Go, Kim?

Hello bbs, babies, babes, my dear precious readers (Mom. Hi Mom. Mom, a "bb" is a millennial way of saying baby. It's sweet). HIIIII. Ok, so I've been missing you. Rather than apologize for my absence I am going to thank you for your patience. Thank you for your patience and your anticipation for the... Continue Reading →


Ask me how many broken iPads we have in our house. The answer is more than one. Actually one is an iPad and one is an Amazon Fire, and that is part of the problem. My kid broke them. Both of them. In the same way. With his rage. He rage broke the technology because... Continue Reading →

Japan is the New ‘New’

Naruto! Naruuuto!!! Naruuuuttttooooo!!!! (said in an ever increasing vocal crescendo, and add fist shaking at the heavens for effect) I am going to take you on a journey of what it means to be the mother of a boy. It means deep dives. Deep dives into whatever shiny object comes into their sight. Some find... Continue Reading →

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